duminică, 14 august 2011

Evenimente internaționale și mesaje primite

Message from
Executive Director, UNFPA

Today on International Youth Day, and every day, youth should be able to participate in decision-making in their families, communities, and nations.
The voices of youth should be heard in meetings within governments and within the United Nations.
Yes, youth participation is a matter of human rights and it is also a matter of being effective at addressing the challenges that we face as humanity.

In our world today there are 1.8 billion young people aged 10 to 24. They constitute more than a quarter of the world’s population and nearly 90 per cent of them living in developing nations.
When societies embrace youth as partners, we improve our chances of finding solutions to our most pressing problems.

Today too many young people are deprived of opportunities, peace and stability. Too many adolescent girls and young women face gender discrimination and violence. And poor sexual and reproductive health is a leading cause of death for adolescent girls in developing countries.
As never before, youth are bombarded with sexually explicit images. There is a growing need for sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services that meet the needs of young people.
My colleagues and I in UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, are committed to advancing the right to sexual and reproductive health, and advancing gender equality.

Today on International Youth Day, and every day, I call on leaders to engage, empower and listen to young people. Working together we can advance the rights, health and well-being of current and future generations.

Agenția de Presă a Tinerilor Jurnaliști - la 20 de ani

Cenaclul Grai Matern, Agenția de Presă a Tinerilor Jurnaliști AMP-Internațional și Revista Micul Prinț au stat la temelia unei Societăți Civile durabile, a unei rețele de ONG cu două mari ramificări -
1.Promovarea politicilor și activității Consiliului Europei
2.Promovarea Mișcării UNESCO și crearea de noi struvcturi în Moldova.

În poze:

Lideri din diferite țări ai Mișcării UNESCO, Dan și Renata Verejanu la evenimentele de la Paris, Strasbourg, Atena.

Pledoartiile Renatei Verejanu despre Mișcarea UNESCO

Despre Cluburile UNESCO, create în Moldova, a vorbit copiilor din Ialoveni și Criuleni în pledoariile sale poeta Renata Verejanu, promotoarea Mișcării UNESCO, autoarea primelor cluburi UNESCO în Moldova,președintele Federației din Moldova a Asociațiilor, Centrelor și Cluburilor UNESCO.

Poze de la aceste întâlniri, organizate de Cenaclul Grai Matern.